Search found 2 matches

by GeorgeHerne
14 Feb 2024, 22:20
Forum: Introduce Yourself
Topic: Hello from Magnamundian
Replies: 2
Views: 135891

The Ethics of Whitelisting: Should Access to Virtual Realms Be Exclusive?

In a world where virtual realms offer limitless possibilities, is it fair to restrict access through whitelisting? Should server owners consider alternative methods to promote inclusivity and ensure equal opportunities for all players, even if it means sacrificing a sense of exclusivity?
by GeorgeHerne
14 Feb 2024, 22:17
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Server Pictures
Replies: 1
Views: 142765

Is Server - Blockrim Realms the New Utopia of Minecraft?

With the rise of Blockrim Realms, can this server be the ultimate haven for passionate Minecraft players seeking a harmonious and immersive gameplay experience, fostering creativity and camaraderie among its community members?